Nimbu Ke Gharelu Nuskhe Hindi

by Noble App

Health & Fitness


Noble App

Nimbu(Lemon) ke Gharelu Nuskhe in Hindi application is collection of lemon home remedies for common problem which individual has in its daily life the problems like fever,constipation, controlling dysentery, vomit, stone,indigestion,clearing out the poison from the body, cough and phlegmatic disease,destroying worms in the stomach etc.Application describe many cure option for disease.Lemon is very useful in many disease like…- मानसिक और सिरदर्द - पेट के रोग - आँख, कान, गला, नाक- सौंदर्यता- बाल- जोड़ो और पसली - बुखार और ज्वर - मुंह, दांत और मसूड़े- खांसी, जुकाम- पेचिश, कब्जियत, गुर्दे के रोग, डफर और जुलाब- हृदय, ब्लड प्रेशर, डायबिटीज, एसिडिटी- गर्भावस्था - उलटी, पित्त - शरीर - अन्य रोग : (त्वचा के रोग,विषैले कीटों के काटने पर,बिच्छू का जहर,यक्ष्मा (टी.बी.),नाखून का न बढ़ना,दमा या श्वास रोग,धूम्रपान की आदत पर,हिचकी,अग्निमान्द्यता,लू लगना,गर्मी अधिक लगना ,पित्ताशय की पथरी,गिल्टी (ट्यूमर),वातरोग,नासूर (पुराना घाव),फोड़े-फुंसी के लिए,मिर्गी)Feature :-Completely offline application so you can use application without internet.-Beautiful user friendly interface.-Chang text size for better readability.-Choose favorite content.-Share content to each other via social media like Whatsapp,Facebook,email and etc.DISCLAIMER :Owner of this application do not have any right on the content and images present in this application because all the content is collected from internet.In this app, if you found any information or image that is owned by you or any content that violates your copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights,please contact to us at ‘[email protected]’.

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Good morning

Clarence Dmello

Good apo

Vivek Nagar

Nimbu ke estemal ki 'Adhik' Malumat. And improve Picture Quality

Daza Khan

Good general knowledge for users

Clarence dmello Dmello


Bhinwraj Prajapat

Nyc app

Govind Govind



This app very helpful for many diseases...these formulas.. are working in short terms...I am glad with these...thanks for providing this app

Asif Khan


hanuman mal

Wow wonderful app amazing

Nitin Sharma